Workshop For Coaches
On Anxiety, Stress And Arousal
Workshop starting on 11th July
Objective of the workshop:
To give awareness about impact on the performance due to anxiety, arousal and stress, how to regulate, methods to come out of it.
Sessions-I : Anxiety and Stress
What is anxiety, choking, arousal and stress in sports (cognitive,somatic, state, trait)?
How to understand them with neuro science, what happens in the brain?
Identifying sources of anxiety, arousal and stress.
Session II : Impact on performance due to anxiety and stress
How and why arousal affect performance?
How and why anxiety affect the performance of an athlete?
Choking, how it influence the performance?
Theories of how arousal reflect on performance?
Session III : Methods to regulate the anxiety
IZOF-individual zone of optimal function
How to regulate arousal, anxiety and stress?
Methods and techniques to overcome from anxiety, choking, arousal and stress.
Session Dates : 10th July, 17th July, 24th July
Sports Psychologist
Consultant psychologist, JNTUH, Hyderabad
Vice President - International federation of physical education, fitness and sports sciences association
Currently Working with boxers
Associated as a sports psychologist at Abhinav Bindra foundation