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Workshop For Coaches
On Anxiety, Stress And Arousal

Workshop starting on 11th July

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Objective of the workshop:


To give awareness about impact on the performance due to anxiety, arousal and stress, how to regulate, methods to come out of it.


Sessions-I : Anxiety and Stress

  • What is anxiety, choking, arousal and stress in sports (cognitive,somatic, state, trait)?

  • How to understand them with neuro science, what happens in the brain?

  • Identifying sources of anxiety, arousal and stress.


Session II : Impact on performance due to anxiety and stress

  • How and why arousal affect performance?

  • How and why anxiety affect the performance of an athlete?

  • Choking, how it influence the performance?

  • Theories of how arousal reflect on performance?


Session III : Methods to regulate the anxiety

  • IZOF-individual zone of optimal function

  • How to regulate arousal, anxiety and stress?

  • Methods and techniques to overcome from anxiety, choking, arousal and stress.

Session Dates : 10th July, 17th July, 24th July

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Sports Psychologist

Consultant psychologist, JNTUH, Hyderabad

Vice President - International federation of physical education, fitness and sports sciences association

Currently Working  with boxers

Associated as a sports psychologist at Abhinav Bindra foundation

Dr C. VeErender


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